Friday, October 29, 2010

I was thinking today of what I have learned from my experiences of spirit since my loved ones died.....and I decided to write them here. I hope these things will be helpful, comforting, or perhaps just food for thought. I've decided to put them in bullet points to make them easier to read.

1. The Powers of Heaven: ( God, Jesus, our deceased loved ones, the collective consciousness, and/or our higher selves) know what is coming before we do....and we are given help and prepared beforehand. We will have preparatory thoughts, feelings, promptings and experiences that we will often remember later with a new perspective after we have been through the loss or hardship.

2. Our deceased loved ones (especially those recently departed who we grieve for most acutely) are with us in a very real sense. They help us by bringing peace and comfort when we need it the most. They prompt us to "know" or do things that are important. I felt prompted to take the life insurance money OUT of the stock market just before it fell in 2008. My recently deceased husband was still taking care of us! They help us remember the good times to give us hope. I have felt my husband or son's very real "right there" presence on many the car, places we went together, the house; I have even felt my husband's presence next to me where he slept on our bed.

3. Our deceased loved one's personalities are intact! They are still the wonderful, funny, kind, goofy....whatever people they were in life! They miss us too....but because their perspective is very different where they are, they know how brief the missing really is.

4. They want more than anything for us to be get on with life, and to "focus on the living". The reason I put that phrase into quotation marks is because it is a phrase that came to me from my Son Jimmy in the weeks after he died. I was absolutely devastated at his death at 18, and spent a lot of that summer in my bed. I had a three year old and three other children in their teens who needed me. He prompted me to get up and take care of, and "focus" on the other children.

5. Our deceased loved ones have "lives" on the other some point or another they will turn their attentions elsewhere. This does NOT mean they aren't still VERY close. They will be right at your side if and when you need them to be.

6. One of the hardest things I've come to realize since my loved ones have died...especially after having so many beautiful and sustaining experiences of spirit; is that the spiritual "visits" that are so brief, yet so transcendent; do not come just because I want them to. I cannot "will" them to come to comfort me or give me a sign. I can't pray them to me, beg them to me, or cajole or plead them to me. They come when they come. It is not under my control as far as I can tell. They come to fulfill a purpose...and this purpose is known only to the powers of heaven, and initiated by them. They KNOW what we need, how we feel and how much we are hurting.

7. They will not get in the way of our will. I have learned this one the hard way. I have felt "prompted" or warned about a couple of things but did not listen. Because I am hard-headed and headstrong; I sometimes have to do things my own way and pay the price.

8. This is the last one for now....but the MOST important. I have learned that LOVE is eternal, it is the "Tie that Binds" us together. Our relationships and love endure....they have always been, and will always be. It isn't our religious beliefs that determine where we end up; or who we end up with....its the quality of the love we show to one another.


  1. Shelley,

    I just wrote a rather long comment, but when I went to post it, Wordpress told me that I do not own the identity as the author of my own blog. Go figure!

    While I will keep this much shorter, I want to say how sorry I am for you losses. Thank you for sharing with others your experiences that remind us that the ones we have "lost" are nearby and very much alive.

    Like you, I lost an 18-year-old son. I've also experienced many wonderful moments since his death. My experiences are viewed through the context of my Christian faith, but in no way do I think a person must have the same belief system as me to know the reality of life after death. I've written a great deal about my experiences as well as those of other family members, friends and people who never even knew my son, Jacob at Like you I also have a blog, but it has been awhile since I've written anything of substance. It is No doubt you will find things similar to your own experiences at either place. I have another blog (which is how I will be identified here since it is with blogspot), but I haven't written there for over a year.

    Thank you again for sharing your experiences so openly. May you continue to know the nearness of your son, your husband and others who have gone ahead of you. Please be encouraged to continue writing your blog. It is a source of hope - even if traffic is light. You never know who might find your blog and find comfort just when they need it most.

    Sandy N.

  2. Sandy, thank you for taking the time to write on this blog. I just sobbed my way through your beautiful posts about your wonderful son Jacob....You write so eloquently, and have had amazing experiences. I was blown away by what you said about having a glow that people noticed and commented on! I don't think I had that glow, but as I went through those first days, weeks and even years after my husband died, I would describe the peace I was given as "walking in the glow". I was also amazed at the vision you had of Jesus taking your Son from the accident site....which your recognized later as exactly like the real one...right down to the position of the car. In the days after my son Jimmy died; I found myself walking numbly around my house and I was saying out loud, where is he, where is my son?!!! I stopped in my tracks as I heard a distinct, but immensely loving voice that said: "He's with me." I knew in that instant that Jesus had spoke those words. I too am a Christian...and while I have not become more religious after living through these experiences, I have become more spiritual. I love your spirit, your voice, and your witness....Thanks for sharing with me!

  3. Hello, Shelley!

    THANK YOU so much for posting this blog. You have no idea how much reading it has helped me. I found it kind of randomly (well, assuming these kinds of things happen "randomly"). I would love to talk more with you, as I am going through some similar things--I'm in the "open window" phase that you spoke about in one of your posts, and let me just say the Holodeck reference really blessed me. What a great description. Would love to talk more; I think my gmail link should appear on this message..


  4. Hello,
    I've been reading and even have this in my favorites, just didn't know how to comment, please keep writing!!!

    Your an inspiration!!!


  5. Dear Jenn and Ellie, Thanks for writing...your comments give me strength and encouragement. Jenn, I don't think there are many real random events in this amazing world! I'm so glad you found this little blog. I would love to talk with you more. Thanks again for your comments!


  6. I just read what I wrote in the post just above this....what I meant to say is that I believe in synchronicity....that things happen as they are meant to happen. I stopped believing that events are random.
