Saturday, April 10, 2010

I found out after my experiences with the white butterfly that butterflies are a very real symbol of rebirth. The butterfly doesn't die to be is transformed. I think the life cycle of the caterpillar/butterfly is a perfect metaphor for early life and death. The lowly, earthbound caterpillar is transformed into a butterfly, a creature that has grown beautiful wings, and transcends it's earlier incarnation. I believe that is what it is like to die, our energy and personality never dies, we are transformed, and transcend the limits of the physical plane. Quantum Physics tells us that energy is never lost, diminished or destroyed; it just changes form. I have felt the energy and presence of my deceased loved ones on many occasions. They live. Sometimes it is almost enough to know that....other times the physical absence of them pushes me to the edge of endurance. I do try to remember this when life gets hard; there is sooooo much more to life than meets the eye!
Three weeks or so, after my son died, I was cooking breakfast on a Sunday morning for the first time since the Sunday before he died. I stopped for a moment to look at a cute picture of him that I'd put on the fridge door. I felt such a hole in my center, as if a real hole had been blasted through me. I thought: "My family is broken, it's no longer whole." At that moment I felt my son's presence, and I realized that he was standing by the fridge, just to the left of me. At that instant, I felt the hole in me fill up with warmth and peace. In that timeless moment, I also heard (in my mind's ear) my son saying: "Mom, I'm not far away, I'm just out of sight."
I know he spoke the truth, he was very near; but in a form that I couldn't perceive with my earth-eyes. My family IS whole.
I know that this all sounds a little strange, and I'm sure there are those of you (some of my friends and family) who, if you ever come to read this, will think: "Poor Shelley, she's finally gone "round the bend". Well, you may be right, but I don't think so!


  1. i'm glad that you have created a place to share experiences of those that we have lost from our earthly lives. each day i look at my son i can't help to think about what it will be like when he is gone. i don't want him to go, i want him to be with us and experience all that life has. but i know that is selfish of me to keep him from leaving a body that doesn't work and that hinders him from experiencing all that life can offer. i don't know why my life has taken this unexpected turn and i may never know why i just hope that one day i will at least feel at peace with what has happened.

  2. My heart aches for you. Every time I see a picture of your darling boy on facebook, I marvel at how beautiful he is. There is nothing harder to endure than the physical absence of a loved one, especially a child...yet there is amazing help that comes from a place that is not of this world. You will find the strength to get through what ever you have to. Riley will give you the strength, he will let you know that he is all right. Savor the moments with him now, as I know you do. My heart and prayers are with you.
